#BlackLivesMatter details



  • Every tweet that includes #blacklivesmatter, as well as many of its derivatives (i.e., #allLivesMatter, #policeLivesMatter, #lbgtLivesMatter, etc.)  is displayed as a small circle (black fill with white stroke).
  • The user that posted the tweet is displayed as an orange circle.
  • The user’s screen name (“@screenname”) and the tweet’s text are displayed on the lower left of the screen.
  • Any and all other hashtags in the tweet are linked (with thin lines) to the tweet as gray-filled circles with white stroke with a text label (i.e., “trayvonmartin”). The “blacklivesmatter” hashtag which is red.
  • The size of each circle corresponds to the number of times the tweet was retweeted, or the number of times a hashtag has been mentioned since the server began running. Popularity = size
  • Any photos are displayed as thumbnails in the graph, and then shown larger on the right for about 10 seconds.
  • Tweets, hashtags and photos “age” and will “die” after about minute (or sooner if there lots of activity and the graph would be overwhelmed). They disappear when dead. If a tweet/hashtag/photo is seen again before they die, then their lifespan is increased by a small percentage.
  • Hovering the cursor over a node (i.e., a tweet circle, a user circle, a photo thumbnail) will display a pop-up with info about the node (i.e., number on mentions, number of 'favorites', tweet text).
  • Clicking on a tweet or hashtag will open the url (link) to the original tweet or a twitter realtime search of the hashtag
  • Clicking on a thumbnail will display the photo larger on the right. Clicking on the large photo on the left will open the url of the original tweet that posted the photo.
  • Depending upon your browser, tweets can be read aloud using text-to-speech. Audio is off by default. You can turn it on/off with the button at the top center of the display.  Currently, the Firefox browser doesn’t support text-to-speech, and some earlier versions of other browsers do not support text-to-speech, either.


  • The most popular hashtags are displayed in two columns on the left, and the most recently seen hashtags are in the right-hand column
  • The numbers to the left of each hashtag is the number times the hashtag has been seen since this application was first started in late January 2015.
  • Clicking on a hashtag will open twitter.com search results for the hashtag.
  • The display is updated in realtime.


  • The most popular photos are displayed in thumbnails allow the bottom of the view, and the most recently seen photos in the row above the most popular photos.
  • Moving the cursor over a thumbnail shows a larger version of the photo.
  • Clicking on a photo will display  on twitter.com the tweet that first included the photo
  • The display is updated in realtime.